Friday, October 15, 2010

The key words to answer section B

Science Process Skills

  • Observation
         " Write what will  happen  / what we see / feel / hear / taste / smell"
            Example : The plants will die.         

  • Inference
          "Write the observation and give a reason"
           Example : The plants will die because there is no air.
  • Aim / Purpose / Why is the experiment being done?
           To investigate the relationship between the WTC  and the   WTO

  • Hypothesis / relationship between the variables
          As the WTC increase/decrease,
               the WTO increase/decrease.

  • Information Gathered
         WTC      -  what to change
         WTO      - what to observe
         WTKS    - what to keep the same

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Pupils were given a choice to choose between quiz and exhibition.
Pupils chose exhibition competition.
They are to find their own topics in their group and perform a paper work by 3rd November 2010.
The pupils will conduct their experiments and ready for the exhibition which will be held on the 11 November 2010.
Prizes will be given to the winners.